Jewelry dishes GALORE

I have a bit of an obsession with jewelry dishes. I think I have one on every flat surface of my home. I believe this obsession stemmed from my jewelry rarely making its way back to my jewelry box when I take it off. In all honestly, it really does prevent me from losing a ring here or an earring there – so that’s a legitimate need, right?! I’m going to say yes.

Gold Trim Glass Box – Target

These are a couple of my newest acquisitions from Target, because that’s where I spend my life, and a few that were gifts! These are only a couple of the options that target has, but there was an entire 4 shelf section for jewelry holding items. That’s right. Read this, then make your way to target. It’s okay.

The “keeper” tray  was a Christmas gift from my cousin, Nicki, who obviously knows me all too well. Walk into target, spin in a circle, and point and you’ve probably got a 98% chance of picking something I like.

(I may have purchased every item in Targets “this & that” collection)

This little birdy bath sits right next to my kitchen sink which is the best idea if you wear rings daily and get your hands dirty in the kitchen! It’s somewhere safe to lay your rings while your hands-deep in raw chicken, ya know? (Sorry birdy…).

This one typically chills on my bedside table. You know what I do a lot? I fall asleep in jewelry, then wake up super uncomfortable and take it off in the middle of the night. I used to put it under my pillow – no lie, but I’ve tried to cut that out and this antler piece helps out with that. This particular one is from Francesca’s – a gift from my lovely momma! But there’s are a ton of copy cats out there like this one at (of course) Target!

This could go one forever. I’m sure I’m leaving a few out, but I think you get the picture.

Happy shopping 😉
